Monday, May 30, 2011

Keeping busy

I know it's hard for me to keep up to date with blog posts. I'm one of those people who would rather keep on designing instead of spending time showing what I have been doing. Not very smart if I actually plan to sale anything, right? Some promotion is helpful, if not wise. I've been mostly in the progress of making a lot of baby announcement designs, still haven't gotten the full amount of them on Zazzle yet because I keep making more of them. In a week or so I'll probably show my top baby announcement designs, but for now I'll give every one a preview of this last 2 months.

Complaint Department 300 Miles shirtTarget on my back shirtMonarch Butterfly Wings shirtAngel Wings shirt

Candy Hearts cardMannequin with heart cardMannequin holding Seattle Space Needle card

Leopard Print stationeryPink Floral stationery

Stargazer Lilies necklacePink Hearts buttonFlowers in a heart buttonAbstract Colors profilecardChild's Flowery School binderEye Chart tie

Okay, so for now all the baby designs are being kept secret! I just want to have more up before I show them off. Next month will mark my one year on Zazzle. While I had goals to be making at least $100/month I'm no where near that goal. Currently I'd settle for $50/month! All in good time hopefully, but for now I try not to be discouraged and truck along. See you in a week or less!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong with a post to show you have been busy!


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